Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stronger Together!!! Who have you Encouraged over the last week?

This is a very powerful song!! Wow!! I absolutely love King and Country's Holy Spirit led Music!!
Powerful words and it starts off with how people are feeling during this pandemic and perhaps you can relate to one or more of these people and what they are going through.  It turns into
encouraging words that will encourage your heart.  Dance it out friend!!
We will get through this together! But it starts out by encouraging one another!! 
Have you encouraged someone today! Today is the day friend!!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Together - We are getting through this Beautiful /hard time!!

This video series for 42 mins is worth your time watching!
It's very encouraging and as my family and I watched it last week.
It really put a spring in our step. I was up dancing to the first song!!
I really hope these men of God encourage your heart today!
By the way, you are doing an awesome job, just saying!
God has you in his arms watching out for you!
Together we are doing it through the hard, joyful, beautiful and the ugly.
And you are probably saying joyful and beautiful?
Yes you heard right, these are time to press in more in the word and hear the voice of God my friend.
Are you doing it? Today may be the day to put out a 30 day challenge to press into your God like never before.  I started a daily devotional online that is beautiful and challenging me to grow.
We were never meant to stay stagnant in our walk. No we weren't!  It's building a deeper and closer intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus!! Why don't you start a 30 day challenge which will grow into something that has become a habit and you wont' be able to wait to press into the meat of the word of God that will help you grow daily!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Psalm 91 - Beautiful Song of this Powerful Scripture!

This Psalm this Holy Spirit gave me on Feb 28th, 2020 before Covid 19 broke out
I had an opportunity to share it with our congregation of our church. 
Had no idea at that point why, but was obedient to the Holy Spirit
I feel I am supposed to share this again with you all
I hope it comforts you during this very difficult time.
Prayers, love and Blessings sent to you today my friend!
Keep the Faith and keep trusting the Lord
Make this your prayer today!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tell yourself to BE STILL!!

The lyrics say it all!
May you find peace through the Lord Jesus Christ and this song !! Hugs to you my friend!

Peace Be Still

I don't want to be afraid

Every time I face the waves
I don't want to be afraid
I don't want to be afraid
I don't want to fear the storm
Just because I hear it roar
I don't want to fear the storm
I don't want to fear the storm
Peace be still

Say the word and I will
Set my feet upon the sea
Till I'm dancing in the deep
Peace be still
You are here so it is well
Even when my eyes can't see
I will trust the voice that speaks
I'm not gonna be afraid

'Cause these waves are only waves
I'm not gonna be afraid
I'm not gonna be afraid
I'm not gonna fear the storm
You are greater than it's roar
I'm not gonna fear the storm
I'm not gonna fear at all
Peace be still

Say the word and I will
Set my feet upon the sea
Till I'm dancing in the deep
Peace be still
You are here so it is well
Even when my eyes can't see
I will trust the voice that speaks
Peace peace over me
Let faith rise up

Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Peace be still

Say the word and I will
Set my feet upon the sea
Till I'm dancing in the deep
Peace be still

You are here so it is well
Even when my eyes can't see
I will trust the voice that speaks
Peace peace over me

Peace peace over me
Let faith rise up

Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe
Let faith rise up in me
Let faith rise up
Oh heart believe it
Let faith rise up in me
Peace be still

Say the word and I will
Set my feet upon the sea
Till I'm dancing in the deep
Peace be still
You are here so it is well
Even when my eyes can't see
I will trust the voice that speaks
Peace peace over me
Peace peace over me

Friday, April 17, 2020

Praise worship songs to worship too while you work around your home for a couple of Hours

Hey Friend!
How are you doing?  Remember God has the last say and He has gone before
each of one of us when we go to Him and not to man.  
I pray you feel very blessed as you worship or listen to these songs as 
you work around your home and dance to a couple of songs.
May God infuse into your spirit peace and joy this day as you 
lean into Him and not onto your own understanding.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and not lean on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him,
and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, April 13, 2020

King of My Heart!!

No matter what storms I come up against, Jesus will always be the King of  my Heart!!
This is a powerful song and He will never let us down!
The enemy wants to make the human race feel that the Holy Spirit lets us down, but that is the agenda of the enemy, not our Heavenly Father!!  
He loves you and I more than we will ever know.
There is nothing that you can do that will make you love Him more and nothing that you do to make Him love you any less!
He loves you because He loves you, because He loves you!!
because that is who He is... He Loves you sister/brother!!
May this Holy Spirit peace minister to your heart today!!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

HE IS ALIVE - OUR JESUS IS ALIVE!!! - Two God inspired videos to watch

May this Easter worship dance video bless you as much as it blessed me putting this Holy Spirit dance together a year ago with my sister Kelly 
We indeed have something to celebrate today my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ!!!
Death couldn't keep Him in the GRAVE!!!

The second video is the same song, but clips from a movie with Natalie Grants lyrics
So beautiful and profound!! May the Holy Spirit speak to you in and through both of these videos as you celebrate the Risen Saviour Today!!