Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stronger Together!!! Who have you Encouraged over the last week?

This is a very powerful song!! Wow!! I absolutely love King and Country's Holy Spirit led Music!!
Powerful words and it starts off with how people are feeling during this pandemic and perhaps you can relate to one or more of these people and what they are going through.  It turns into
encouraging words that will encourage your heart.  Dance it out friend!!
We will get through this together! But it starts out by encouraging one another!! 
Have you encouraged someone today! Today is the day friend!!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Together - We are getting through this Beautiful /hard time!!

This video series for 42 mins is worth your time watching!
It's very encouraging and as my family and I watched it last week.
It really put a spring in our step. I was up dancing to the first song!!
I really hope these men of God encourage your heart today!
By the way, you are doing an awesome job, just saying!
God has you in his arms watching out for you!
Together we are doing it through the hard, joyful, beautiful and the ugly.
And you are probably saying joyful and beautiful?
Yes you heard right, these are time to press in more in the word and hear the voice of God my friend.
Are you doing it? Today may be the day to put out a 30 day challenge to press into your God like never before.  I started a daily devotional online that is beautiful and challenging me to grow.
We were never meant to stay stagnant in our walk. No we weren't!  It's building a deeper and closer intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus!! Why don't you start a 30 day challenge which will grow into something that has become a habit and you wont' be able to wait to press into the meat of the word of God that will help you grow daily!