Monday, December 11, 2017

Be the Gift to Someone Today!!

Have you ever thought you have to buy a gift to show up to a friends house to visit that is hurting?
I am here to tell you friend from experience, a friend just wants yourself as a gift which is you and your time. It doesn't cost a thing, but your precious time which is huge!! To sit down and sip a cup of tea or coffee with a friend and their time is priceless and beautiful and very meaningful.  So what are you waiting for?  Be that gift to a friend today that may just need to know someone else cares.  But I hear your heart saying, but I have been turned down before and I can't bear to get hurt again by the word,  "no thanks" I don't want company right now.  Put your best foot forward and know if you get turned down once or twice it's ok and the person will eventually say yes when they are ready.  I know all too well because this happened to me and it hurt.   Oh yes it hurt badly, but I didn't give up and eventually the door opened up wide one day and said, please come in and have tea with me.  My efforts didn't die and didn't go in vain.  So BE the Gift to someone this week and see how it will not only make a difference in someone else's world, but it will be in your world as well knowing you carved out time to do something for someone else in your busy schedule.  Yes you heard me right, God will see that you will get all you need to get done in your world if you will only do His work first.  It happens.  Believe me!!! It's all according to His agenda, not ours.  So what are you waiting for, ask Holy Spirit today whom do you want me to serve today or this week? No strings attached.

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