Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Doing it Simplistic this Christmas.

As I went to drop off our advent wreath to get it filled in for advent season, like I do every year, the lady said, Lori, I am sorry but I am no longer doing special orders anymore.  I looked at her and said, nothing surprises me this year, nothing this Christmas is normal thus far.  She said, Lori, this is really simple to do and started one for me and there it lays on our table just like this.  So in all of this I feel Holy Spirit is trying to tell me that all the Christmas traditions you do Lori are nice, but don't lose sight of the real meaning of Christmas and keep it simple and give Christmas away and that will be yourself.  Let Go and Let God!! So that's exactly what I'm doing. It's beautiful and so much peace in doing! Our advent wreath can hold candles and do the same job as a beautiful covered advent wreath.  It's just not as pretty.  But hey when we look at the stuff in our life, it's not always pretty, but God loves us anyway and wants us to give it all to him, not just a small amount. As I watched the snowflakes fall after coming out of the grocery store, I looked up to the sky to watch the snow fall on my face and just savored that special snowy fun time.  That's what real living is, not in the hustle and bustle around.  Time to stop and chat with that friend you haven't seen in a long while and maybe sneak a cup of coffee/tea in there too.  Now that is so special!! The surprises of life that you had not anticipated.   Be encouraged today and savor the Christmas season  and it's meaning instead of just existing and when it's all over, what was it all for?  Bless you friend this Christmas season as you find out what the true meaning of Christmas is with Him.  Hope this song blesses you as it says it all, taking our hands off of our lives and giving Holy Spirit complete control.  Love this song!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful.. I love reading your Blog posts. God is so powerful
