Thursday, March 24, 2016

Are you in the Desert? Do you feel like you can't find an end in sight?

Are you walking or crawling through this desert land you find yourself in?  Is it dry?  Is there no life in sight and you are beginning to wonder if God even knows you exist or better yet if he even hears your every cry?  Well my friend, I am hear to tell you that he does hear your every cry and your every whim and pain.  He loves you and cares for you!   Truth is I have been in the desert place over the last couple of years now, and have found myself crawling in the sandy bottom pit at times and wonder if I can ever find my way out.   But one thing I can say for sure is He never has left me even for a moment even when I have felt I haven't heard his voice at times.  He's always been present even when I thought he wasn't.   He has directed me when I asked him to direct me. There is joy in that desert, did you know that?  So one can be going through that desert place and still have such a joy unexplainable that no one would even imagine they are going through a time such as this.  But that is the place where I know he has my family and I and our situation and I can find joy in the storm! The fruit of going through this desert is great if you are willing to stick it out!! If all you can say is "Help me God" he will.  What a loving and caring God we so serve just waiting for us to choose his ways and not our own.  The Joy of the Lord is your Strength, dear one!! So my dear friend whatever desert you are walking or crawling through today be rest assured you are never alone. He has got you and your situation and it's all in how we choose to look at our situation. We we choose to be a victor or a victim?  It's our choice!  We get to choose.  Be Blessed today my Friend!!

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