Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I Know You are For Me And Not Against Me, but....

Do you ever find yourself saying I know you are for me but....    Hmm, doesn't add up does it?  We all do at times especially when the tough gets going and the going gets tough.  Yep, it's a rough walk, but there is beauty in that journey! I think we have all heard it one time or another that "Life is a Journey not a Destination, right?  Well it sure is and sometimes in that journey there are rocks we stumble over and may even fall down along that path, but we know whom will pick us back and keep us walking along that journey. It's our Heavenly Father or Daddy you may say.  Yes and it's called never giving up no matter the cost!!  Never!! Even when you want too! I will admit I have fallen two times this winter. Once with snow shoes and I was back in the woods all by myself because I love spending that time alone with God in the woods and I went face down in hard snow. At first it was tempting not to get up and just lay there.  I had no one physically to help me up with these big clompy snow shoes on, but I knew I had to do it or else I would get soaked.  So all of a sudden,  I lay there and yelled out  ow very loudly and burst out laughing. My laugh echoed in that woods and the more I laughed the more joyful I became. Laughter breaks things off and is the most therapeutic and medicinal.  Did you know that?  I turned over and didn't want to get back up so you know what I did, grabbed my little camera out of my pocket and started snapping photos of what life is like from the ground level and yes even did a selfie!! Haha!!   I love to humor myself!! So I hope this song encourages you today like it has encouraged me many times along my journey. Bless you !!

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