Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Do we Praise Him when there are Storms or shoe Him off to the Side?

Do you have a hard time praising Him when you are in the middle of a tornado or hurricane in your life?  I know I have been there and still am at times.  It's when I get my ring of scriptures out or go to my Bible and find a scripture to encourage me or if I am at the end of my rope I fall face down and and surrender it all.  Why not?   I have nothing to lose and he hears my every cry and my every concern. Did you know he entruly cares about every issue you have today?  He really does, even when it doesn't feel like it.  Remember, it's on his agenda when he answers our prayers, not ours.   So I pray today that as you listen to this song that Jesus will comfort you if you are in that middle of that storm right now.  He knows your heart more than anyone and loves you more than anyone on this earth could love you. Sending a hug to you my friend!! Praying for you today that God will move mountains for you. He is a good and loving God even when it feels he isn't. 

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