Monday, March 21, 2016

Taking the Leap of Crazy Faith!

Have you ever had to take the leap of Crazy Faith?  It's a daily routine knowing I have to put my total Faith in him to believe that he has a plan and purpose for me and my family.  Plans to prosper us and not to harm us but to give us a hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11 
Ask me about my Mission trip to Haiti sometime! Now that was a "Crazy Faith" Story that I would love to share with you! Here is a tid bit:  From the moment I was asked to part take in my first mission trip as a nurse to wondering how in the world would I ever make $2000.00 in 4 mos being a new graduate and a mother and wife.  Haha!! It was crazy!! In 24 hrs I had $666 from 2 people.  It all didn't come easy or overnight, but it was totally amazing to watch the hand of God move in front of our family with this trip.  It was cool to see their mouths drop open and say yes, see that this is totally God's will and he will provide and he will not close any doors if it is entruly wanting me to go on this trip.  Oh so much more to share, but ask if you are interested in more.  I love sharing how God rocked that trip and how he moved mountains not only for myself but for our group on our first day landing in Haiti.  :)

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