Thursday, April 7, 2016

Have you Ever asked for a Make Over? Here's a bit of My Story how he made me over! Part 1

Have you ever asked for a make over at your beauty salon?  There are alot of different makeovers in this world from house make overs to beauty makeovers, but have you ever thought of a soul makeover?  Is that something you ever considered before?  I have prayed for years and years for a soul makeover.  He's still working on me and will continue until I go to be with him someday.  However, the Holy Spirit heard my cry in 2009 and granted me that makeover at a christian interpretive dance conference.  As I left my house with a friend at the beginning of the weekend that day and kissed my hubby and children goodbye, little did they know that the wife and mother they once knew would come back a different woman.  The Holy Spirit flipped me inside outside upside down in love with him and had me dancing like I have never danced before. It wasn't just about the dancing, He genuinely gave me a new makeover. I wasn't the same person and was so excited!!  I always danced as a little child on our front lawn and even tried at a young age of around 5 yrs of age  to dance in our Baptist church, but was told "No" That's not what we do in church.  Whatever gifting the Lord had in store for me was opened up 34 yrs later and I have been dancing for him ever since!!  How the enemy used dance in the pubs etc... with alcohol, we need to take back what he stole from us.  You may agree or disagree.  Look it up in the Bible for yourself. I have tons of scriptures to back this up and only will put a few for this story.  Glorifying him by worshiping him through song, musical instruments and dance.

 " Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp". Psalm 149:3

"Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the LORD with all his might" 2 Samuel 6;14

Did you know Dance is "Spiritual Warfare".  It breaks strongholds down not only off of myself when I dance before the Lord, but all who may be present.  I am going to be talking more in detail to help you understand a bit more what interpretive dance and worship dance is and how it plays a very important part in worship in church. Interpretive dance is different than worship dance and the video above is interpretive dance done as a source of evangelism and worship dance is something one can do on Sundays during church with ribbons, banners or just praise and worship.  

 I will explain what colors mean and ribbons and banners in the next couple of sessions.  Meanwhile the video above was one of my first interpretive dances I did in 2009. Ask the Holy Spirit to minister to you through this dance. Listen to the lyrics and ask Him to show you what you need to see to minister to your heart, soul and body. Look past the person dancing!!   Bless you!!

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