Saturday, April 9, 2016

What Does it Mean to Encourage Yourself in the Lord?

 But David encouraged himself in the Lord. I Samuel 30:6

What does it mean to encourage yourself in the Lord?   To me it means encouraging myself in the word and not rely on man to give me that encouragement that we all yearn for ever so often. Oh Yeah been there many times and still am at times. :)
There are days that can go by and it really is just waiting on him and not that text or phone call that one thinks will be that lifter upper.  I tend to get into the word, worship and just laugh and know He is God and even cry as well.  Not always easy, but it's getting easier as time goes on.  I am rather enjoying hanging out with God and myself.  A very satisfying taste that no one can satisfy.  Don't get me wrong,  I love hanging out with my family and hubby but we have designated times with one another and we each have our own time as well which is healthy.   It's rather beautiful if I must say. :)  I also love hanging out with my friends, but it's been a season of just God and I.  I must say, it's been downright tough and didn't like it one little bit when it first started 2 yrs ago.  My Heavenly Father has brought a few relationships back into my life of old and new, but not everybody for such a time as this.   So if you find yourself in a desert place, don't be dismayed, He is doing a mighty work in you and watch out, the fruit of it all will be downright worth the wait.  Not only that, you may be pleasantly surprised how much you like to hang out with Him and yourself.  Nothing satisfies just like Him and never will for me!! I'm happier for it!!

This song Down by the River reminds me alot of me going down by the river to pray.  That is where I go to pray alot in the summer by a waterfalls and it's the most sacred place for me the last 4-5 yrs. When I discovered this song, I said, wow, that is so me.  I love this encouraging song.   The Waterfalls,  I call it my sanctuary and visit it all seasons of the year.  May you be blessed as you listen to this encouraging uplifting song!!
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

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