Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What Don't Kill You, will make you Stronger!! Haha!!

Not sure about you, but if you have been going through the fire, be sure to know that you will come out pure as Gold!! Doesn't seem like that right now as you are being refined but you watch and see and be patient!!  It will be be worth the refiner's fire!  Talking to myself as well! haha!

 This song below I found a few years ago when I was taking blows and getting knocked down! It so encouraged me and still does as He's not through with me yet and still going through my own personal fire!! But I see the growth and it so encourages me to look back and see where I was and how far I have come through my Jesus!! Not in my strength, but His!!

Gold by Beckae Shae     Music is in the link below if you want to follow the lyrics with the music.   Powerful Lyrics!

What don't kill you can only make you stronger!
I've taken a few blows, but I'm ok though,
You know I just keep going!
I've been straight knocked down, but I get up again,
Cause I ain't no quitter!
So let me take this time to be thankful,
For the way I've been made stronger!

Going through the fire, but coming out gold!
And I'm going higher with my feet still on the floor.

Pushed back, pushed down, pushed away, it's ok,
Cause I just keep movin' forward!
Talking smash all that trash that they say,
It just ain't worth my consideration.
So I'ma take this time to be thankful,
For the way I've been made stronger!

Cause I can take the pain, it's for my good anyway,
Cause I ain't gonna break, love holds me together.
This fire is making me better, refined and it don't matter whether,
I'm lookin' like a loser, cause I'ma show you all a winner!
You can have it all, cause I'm a giver,
But ain't givin' up, I ain't no quitter!
So I think it's better off you know, I'm comin' out gold!

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