Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Come to the Table Friends - Sit down and be set FREE!!

Upon waking this morning the Holy Spirit put "Come to the Table" song in my head.
I pray this ministry piece that I did for the ladies retreat back in November 2019
 ministers to you today. 

I do not typically practice pieces, I just let the Holy Spirit lead me when I do interpretive dances, however, this piece was long and lots of meat to it and needed to go over it several times.  This video is still in the beginning stages, but still felt it will minister to your heart today. This beach I taped it on was where I grew up and such a tranquil sanctuary place for me.
May this piece minister to your heart today friend!!

Come to the table my friend today.  Jesus is waiting for you to lay everything down at the foot of the cross including all your anxiety and fear! He cares and is waiting for you to say Jesus I give it all to you, please come and be Lord of my life.  He loves you and I both dearly!

If you want to give your life over to God or rededicate your life you can say your own prayer or there is a prayer here to say and give your life totally back or too Him. It's never too late friend! Never!!


  1. Amen, wow so needed for me to watch your beautiful video tonight. ❤️❤️❤️. Even loved hearing the wind. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. I love the interpretive dance and the beautiful video!!! Thank you my friend!!
