Thursday, March 26, 2020

Do you have Your Full Armor On Today?

Full Armor - what do I mean?

When you wake up every morning do you put your Helmet of Salvation on?
Do you put your Breast plate of Righteousness on?
Do you put your Belt of Truth on?
Do you arm yourself with the Sword of the Spirit?
Do put on the Shield of Faith?
Do you you put on the Gospel of Peace?

I don't know about you, but I have to do this everyday, but especially in the world of uncertainty it's especially very important to apply these pieces of armor on the front line.  I'm going into battle against a virus and I need this armor like never before.  My God will win the fight yes He will!!
Nothing formed against me will prosper, never!! Isaiah 54:17

 The enemy is out to Kill, Lie and destroy!!
But I have good news friends, My God is out to give  you and me Life and life to the FULLEST!!!
We may not see what is going on around us, but in scripture it says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

I am a very symbolic person as you will figure out during my posts and this is very symbolic to me for such a time as this.
I  will remind you, we are not fighting  against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of this spiritual darkness.
Get out your sword today(your bible) and start quoting scriptures to the enemy when you feel your mind is under attack!! That is one example.  The enemy has to flee when He hears what the word of God says through scriptures!
Do you have your Full Armor on today?  Are you prepared?
Remember, Greater is He that is in YOU!! Than he that is in this world!!  1 John 4:4
May you be encouraged today friend!! 
He has both you and me and our families!!

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