Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Not A Slave to FEAR!!!!!

Good Day Friend!!  With all that is going on in the media these days I'm sure you have 
felt the spirit of fear once, twice or daily!! 
Remember God has the last say and He is the God of the Impossible!! 
"God has not give us a spirit of fear, but of Love, power and sound mind."
2 Tim 1:7
This song is such a powerful Song and remember you are a child of God and he has split the seas so we could walk right through it before and I believe He is going to do it again in this Fallen world!!
Don't give up Hope Friend! Jesus is still on the Throne!!
This is a time
"To Be still and Know I'm God"
Psalms 46:10

Get out your Bible today if you haven't done so during this time and watch how much peace the love of God will bring as you read and listen to what he has to say to you today. 
Your Bible is your sword and your daily meal. 
May the Holy Spirit pour out a peace over you that you have never felt before as you listen to this song and read the word of God!!

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