Sunday, March 22, 2020

God is the God of the Impossible!!

This is a Powerful Song !!
May God enrichly bless you as you worship him and lay down all your concerns 
at the foot of the altar today!! It's not for you to hold onto.

Visualize This
You are standing still in the middle and a everything around you is swirling out of control like a tornado, but you have complete peace. Can you see this visualization?  
Do you feel the peace?  You can have that as you keep your eyes focused on Him alone! 
Saturate yourself in the word like you are bathing in a bathtub of water daily and watch and see how your relationship with the Holy Spirit will grow and you will have complete peace as I was describing in this visual moment!! 
Are you easily disturbed by the media, than do not watch it or read it and allow a spouse or a friend to give you updates that will not cause you to falter and have anxiety!  My friend
"Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
Proverbs 4:23

You are loved dear one and God said " I will never leave you nor forsake you"
Hebrews 13:5
Start memorizing scripture and when that fear comes to you, stop it with scripture by quoting it out loud and watch the fear disappear!! It works I know personally! I'm preaching to myself too.

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