Sunday, May 15, 2016

What is that STINCH?

 "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."  John 15:2

As I came back from my bike ride today and walked into my house I could smell something not so pleasant.  It hit me in the face as I entered my house.  What could smell that bad I thought?  I just cleaned out the fridge last night.  So as I venture to the kitchen low and behold the package of romaine lettuce that had 3 heads in it, one of them was already going bad when I opened it last night for supper. I just so happened to have left it on the counter, never thinking it would put such a smell such as this in my whole top floor of the house.  I started to peel the layers back and it was rotting from the inside out. 

If we are not careful the root that has started to take seed within us that is bitter will bring bitter fruit.  It will eat at us from the inner core out.  Unfortunately it just won't affect one part of our Spiritual walk, but all facets of it if we aren't willing to allow the Holy Spirit to do some daily House Cleaning.   I don't know about you, but that is something I don't want to take place in my daily life thus I ask the Holy Spirit to expose the things in my life that need to be de-rooted and filled in with the Holy Spirit daily.  It's surrendering, asking for forgiveness and asking that place that was exposed and emptied to be filled in with the presence of the Holy Spirit!!!

So as I threw out the bad vegetable, my house already smelled good! That is exactly what happens when we allow the Holy Spirit to de-root the deposits that we have allowed others to put there over the years. Some of those could be offenses, trust issues, etc... He heals our every wound when we invite him to do some deep cleaning.  Hey, it may be painful, but without pain there is no gain.  He calls it Pruning!  If you want to go deeper than allow the Holy Spirit to do some pruning in your life so he can renew and restore you today and allow your gifting(s) to flow like never before. :)   It's called more Freedom in Him.
  I have posted this video previously, but I love it and it's truth. May it touch and speak to you today. :)

Monday, May 9, 2016

Just BE.........

Do you ever allow yourself to ever just be?  Does that sound complicated to you? Do you even know how to just BE? When was the last time you lay in your hammock or the ground and watch the clouds float by?  Oh it sounds kiddish, you say.  I don't think so.  I have more fun just being more than the average person I know in my life.  I savor each day in my life like it's the last. I work in a profession that I see many breathe their last breath and some wished they had of done life differently and many are so satisfied and happy with their choices too.  Some are my age and some are younger and some are older.  I have that opportunity now to do life the way I was meant too. Simplistic and living my life to the fullest and in and through the Holy Spirit! Less is more! I love watching that little bird come to my window and say good morning! I love watching the air I breathe pick up that leaf and swirl it all around and float in the air.  How many of us are way too busy to even enjoy God's creation he has put before us?  I know I was there once upon a time, but I make room to just BE as I get older. I may act like a kid, but hey, I thoroughly enjoy my life and I really don't care what anyone thinks. If I want to dance under the stars or dance in the mall while a song comes over the radio or just sing hey, why not, it just may make someone else's day!  Really, it's not all about me, it's about impacting the world around me.  Let's face it we all can use a bit of encouragement and a new way of living instead of living as a victum! Why not live as a victor!! No matter what life throws our way, we can give Him the glory and Praise Him while the Storm is blowing and the waves are trying to knock us down.  He will pick us up again and again and be our everything during the good, bad and ugly!! Be blessed today and enjoy the video below! I Pray it encourages you today!!

This song I absolutely love is called " Oxygen"    He indeed is my every breath and I breath him out and breath him In!! I love it!!  I hope you feel encouraged today and know you are dearly loved by your Heavenly Father no matter what!! 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

I Have a Reason to Worship - Yes Even in the Desert!

Not sure where you are right now, but I am in a desert place and waiting to come out the other side!  Patience is a virtue and I have to say I'm trying to be as patient as I can be, but I have come too a point I'm quiet now after all the emotions that have run though me in the last 2 wks.  The word I have for that is "Spiritually Numb"!  It's funny when I looked up that word today the next 2 articles came up which really encouraged my heart a lot especially the article following this song.  I'm thinking wow, I'm on the right track and God must be doing something mightily in my life and I just have to wait this desert storm out and see what he has in store for his daughter and her family. I asked back in 2012 to go deeper and deeper I have been going and yes there has been pain but growth through it all.  May this song encourage you right where you are at today!! God Bless you!!

In The Desert Place? This Article is So Encouraging!!


 Feeling Spiritually Dry

by Matt Slick
Have you ever felt as though you couldn't hear the Lord's voice if He were next to you shouting your name? Have you been or are you now in a period of spiritual dryness? If you have had a spiritually dry time and are now past it, then praise God. If, however, you are in the midst of one, then maybe this can help you.
First of all, it isn't necessarily bad to be in a spiritually dry place unless it is because of sin. If we commit a sin that we know the Lord wants us to abandon, then He often withholds His fellowship from us. We sense a distance between the Lord and ourselves, and it hurts. Of course, this does not mean that the Lord is abandoning us, nor does it mean He does not love us. If anything, it is a demonstration of His love to let us feel broken fellowship since it moves us to repentance.
On the other hand, spiritual dryness can be a specific time that the Lord wants us to go through as a time of testing and of preparation. The Lord will allow us to be tested into order to refine our faith. Think about it. Do we stay Christians because of the feeling of fellowship we have with the Lord, or is it because we trust in Jesus, God in flesh (John 1:1, 14) as our Savior and Lord (Jude 4)? We are justified by faith (Rom. 5:1), and our assurance of salvation is found by faith, not by feeling. After all, "The just shall live by faith," (Hab. 2:4). Therefore, the Lord can use a spiritually dry time to cause us to examine what and who our faith is in so that we might rest assured in the cross and not in our feelings that can deceive us (Jer. 17:9).
Spiritual dryness can also be a time of preparation. Most every major person in the Bible that was used mightily of God had to go through a desert time. This includes Moses, Elijah, Jesus, and Paul. Being in a place where we are dry, waiting, wanting, praying, examining, etc., is often the proving ground of strength and refinement. Then, after this time is completed, the thing that we have been prepared for comes upon us. Sometimes this preparation is for hardship, sorrow, and pain. Other times it is for blessing, reward, and ministry. Remember, the Lord has not saved us to be trophies on a shelf. We are instruments in His hands to be used in the world. This usage requires that we be able to be used, able to be sent, able to trust the Lord in spite of what we see and feel--hence, the time of spiritual dryness that is a time of preparation.
What do you do in a time of spiritual dryness? First of all, you should ask the Lord to reveal any unconfessed sins of which you have not repented. If He reveals anything to you, then confess it as sin and repent of it even if it is a sin you have committed so many times before. Second, you must read your Word regularly. Third, you must pray regularly. And fourth, you must trust the Lord through this. You must look to Him and remember that He loves you greatly and will never forsake you. In this, your faith will be perfected, your character improved, your walk strengthened, and you will be prepared for the tasks ahead that the Lord has called you to encounter.
And finally, in the midst of your dryness, offer praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Do not let your feelings rob you of the opportunity to praise and thank God even when the times are not so great. Remember, it is easy to praise God when things go well. But the true men and women of Christian character praise God through the trials as well.

When you Feel Spirtually Numb

When You’re Spiritually Numb…

Have you ever been completely bewildered? Emotionally, spiritually, or relationally numb? Wondering where you are in life, how you got there, where God went, and what to do next? Are you there now? You’re not alone. But you are vulnerable.
Life’s biggest mistakes are often made right where you are right now. SO… before you do the wrong thing, stop, take a breath and consider these thoughts:
1. God has not forgotten you. Wonder where He is? Think you ran far from Him? He’s right there and He knows exactly where you are. Turn to Him and wait upon Him.
2. God works in the silence. Often in His Word He is working when men doubted Him the most. Think Joseph in jail. Jonah in the fish. John the Baptist on the guillotine. Elijah in exhaustion. David in hiding. Paul in prison. Or Jesus in the tomb. God works when it seems like nothing is happening. Just wait.
3. God brings blessings from bewilderment. When we refuse to let go of Him, no matter how hopeless we feel, that expresses a special kind of faith that He always blesses. Your thorn is a blessing and God will someday use it in ways you cannot imagine right now.
4. God is using even your bewilderment in ways you cannot know yet. Someday you will look back on how you feel right now and thank God for what He did, what He taught you, or how He somehow made it all worth it.
5. God strengthens us through testing times. Future blessings require you to have broader shoulders. God may be exercising your faith to strengthen you for His future plans.
6. God blesses us on the other side of testing times. It’s what He does. He rewards faith. He honors them that honor Him. He tests then He blesses. Don’t give up before the blessing.
7. God is going to give you the grace you need right now. You may feel overwhelmed, but stop for a moment. Wherever this post finds you—just pause. You are alive. You are saved (if you know Christ). You are able to praise. You are able to cry out to Him. You have hope. Right now, you are experiencing grace. And as long as you look to Him, He will keep giving you the grace you need when you need it.
8. God is with you whether you sense Him or not. He is not a feeling or emotional experience. He is. He is truth. He is absolute. He is with you right now and always will be. Rest in Him. Accept His presence. Be still and know that He is God.
9. God is rejoicing over you, not angry at you. You feel like you’ve let God down? You think He’s probably really put out with you. You’re wrong. If you are in Christ, you are in grace—you are COMPLETE in Him. God crucified His son so He could rejoice over you! Accept it. It’s true.
10. God will get you through. When isn’t the issue. How isn’t the issue. In His time and His way—He will. He will! Don’t quit, give up, or do something self-destructive. He will get you through!
And here are a few things to do—while you wait on God to know “what to do next.”
1. Remember that emotions are liars—feelings change rapidly. They are too dependent on our physiological chemistry, our diet, our rest patterns, our environment (like even weather!), and our circumstances. Don’t trust feelings! They only occasionally tell the truth.
2. Hold on to truth over emotions—Truth makes us free. Emotions deceive us. Go to God’s Word and tie yourself off, like a guy tying off to a pillar in a hurricane. Anchor yourself to what God says it absolute and true.
3. Listen to God over emotions—Let your emotions howl. Let feelings rage like a midnight thunder storm. Through it all, God’s still small voice will keep you in a fixed, safe position. The storm will pass. Eventually your emotions will come back into line with truth—and then you will be really glad you didn’t let them lead!
4. Think beyond your emotions—Do you remember a day you didn’t feel the way you do now? Even so, another day will come and you will look back on today, glad the feelings are gone. But the decisions you make today will follow you. Think beyond today’s emotions to the long lasting, devastating impact that wrong decisions will leave. Long after the emotions are gone, the horrific consequences of bad decisions will continue to unfold.
5. Speak out to God—God responds to audible requests for His help! Open your mouth, lift your voice, and talk out loud to Him. I know—it feels weird, but it’s a biblical reality that God responds to this kind of flagrant faith!
6. Speak truth to yourself—You believe yourself more than anyone else. So talk truth to yourself. Speak God’s Word to yourself. Overpower the internal negative conversation with external truthful conversation. Shout your emotions down with truth!
7. Surround yourself with stability—Resist the impulse to isolate yourself. Get around people who will love you, pray with you, and help you keep your head above water until the emotional flood subsides.
8. Open up to Christian friends—Let those who love you minister to you. Trust them. Let God use others to salve you and guide you until you regain your bearings in life.
9. Patiently endure—The Bible has a lot to say about enduring. It is God’s call for us to sometimes just endure—to patiently, faithfully hold onto Him until He stems the tide of trial. He builds and blesses those who endure.
10. If you have exhausted spiritual pursuits, don’t rule out professional medical evaluation—I know this one seems out of left field, but many Christians never want to connect any physiological factor to deep or prolonged emotional struggles. This is unwise. Sometimes emotional despair can be verifiably tied to legitimate physiological conditions, and in those cases, medical solutions can prove helpful.
Spiritually numb? Feeling in a fog? Don’t do something that you will regret once the fog has lifted and truth reveals itself afresh in your heart.
“For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.” 1 John 3:20

Saturday, April 9, 2016

What Does it Mean to Encourage Yourself in the Lord?

 But David encouraged himself in the Lord. I Samuel 30:6

What does it mean to encourage yourself in the Lord?   To me it means encouraging myself in the word and not rely on man to give me that encouragement that we all yearn for ever so often. Oh Yeah been there many times and still am at times. :)
There are days that can go by and it really is just waiting on him and not that text or phone call that one thinks will be that lifter upper.  I tend to get into the word, worship and just laugh and know He is God and even cry as well.  Not always easy, but it's getting easier as time goes on.  I am rather enjoying hanging out with God and myself.  A very satisfying taste that no one can satisfy.  Don't get me wrong,  I love hanging out with my family and hubby but we have designated times with one another and we each have our own time as well which is healthy.   It's rather beautiful if I must say. :)  I also love hanging out with my friends, but it's been a season of just God and I.  I must say, it's been downright tough and didn't like it one little bit when it first started 2 yrs ago.  My Heavenly Father has brought a few relationships back into my life of old and new, but not everybody for such a time as this.   So if you find yourself in a desert place, don't be dismayed, He is doing a mighty work in you and watch out, the fruit of it all will be downright worth the wait.  Not only that, you may be pleasantly surprised how much you like to hang out with Him and yourself.  Nothing satisfies just like Him and never will for me!! I'm happier for it!!

This song Down by the River reminds me alot of me going down by the river to pray.  That is where I go to pray alot in the summer by a waterfalls and it's the most sacred place for me the last 4-5 yrs. When I discovered this song, I said, wow, that is so me.  I love this encouraging song.   The Waterfalls,  I call it my sanctuary and visit it all seasons of the year.  May you be blessed as you listen to this encouraging uplifting song!!
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

Friday, April 8, 2016

My Words Speak Life or Death! Did you know yours does too?

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Thessalonians 5:11  

Before I comment further this video is symbolic and there are no actual deaths in this video, it's demonstrating what our words do to one another when we speak words that hurt.  I really hope you watch this video, it's encouraging and will make you think the next time you even put your loved one down.  Speaking too myself as well!!  Out of the mouth of a young babe brings everyone back to life!! It's beautiful and so meaningful with the lyrics and video! 

I think we go along in our day and don't realize that the words that come out of our mouth speak life or death to the other person we are talking too.  Words can tear down or build up.  Let's be the change and build up instead of tear down one another.  Don't know if you realize it or not, but you are a tool in the hand of the one that made you and every time you step out and speak or do for someone else, you are actually speaking life or death into that person.

 I challenge you today to be that change.  It all starts with you and me!  Remember, that mere smile passing that person in the grocery store can do something internally to that person passing by.  Our actions speak louder than words.  It really does!!  Be the Change today!!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I Love Mission work and Feeling I'm in a Season of doing Mission work in my own Province

I love getting in my van and driving and not knowing where I will end up.  Not knowing who God has in my path. Not knowing who will impact my life or I them that day.  A lot of times we think that we are ministering to others, but at the same time we are being ministered too.  God uses that person to grow us as well.  It's not a one sided conversation.  There are many times I have had such aw ha moments and think wow, now that was a divine appointment for sure! One minute I am doing one activity, but God directs me to another which was totally a divine appointment.   I love those!  I love this song and how Britt Nicole impacted so many by a drive to another community and even to the gas station! We just never know who God is going to put in our path that will give just a bit of a lift for the day not only to them, but ourselves!
I hope this song blesses you as much as it has blessed me over and over again over the years!
Don't be afraid to make that change today!

Have you Ever asked for a Make Over? Here's a bit of My Story how he made me over! Part 1

Have you ever asked for a make over at your beauty salon?  There are alot of different makeovers in this world from house make overs to beauty makeovers, but have you ever thought of a soul makeover?  Is that something you ever considered before?  I have prayed for years and years for a soul makeover.  He's still working on me and will continue until I go to be with him someday.  However, the Holy Spirit heard my cry in 2009 and granted me that makeover at a christian interpretive dance conference.  As I left my house with a friend at the beginning of the weekend that day and kissed my hubby and children goodbye, little did they know that the wife and mother they once knew would come back a different woman.  The Holy Spirit flipped me inside outside upside down in love with him and had me dancing like I have never danced before. It wasn't just about the dancing, He genuinely gave me a new makeover. I wasn't the same person and was so excited!!  I always danced as a little child on our front lawn and even tried at a young age of around 5 yrs of age  to dance in our Baptist church, but was told "No" That's not what we do in church.  Whatever gifting the Lord had in store for me was opened up 34 yrs later and I have been dancing for him ever since!!  How the enemy used dance in the pubs etc... with alcohol, we need to take back what he stole from us.  You may agree or disagree.  Look it up in the Bible for yourself. I have tons of scriptures to back this up and only will put a few for this story.  Glorifying him by worshiping him through song, musical instruments and dance.

 " Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp". Psalm 149:3

"Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the LORD with all his might" 2 Samuel 6;14

Did you know Dance is "Spiritual Warfare".  It breaks strongholds down not only off of myself when I dance before the Lord, but all who may be present.  I am going to be talking more in detail to help you understand a bit more what interpretive dance and worship dance is and how it plays a very important part in worship in church. Interpretive dance is different than worship dance and the video above is interpretive dance done as a source of evangelism and worship dance is something one can do on Sundays during church with ribbons, banners or just praise and worship.  

 I will explain what colors mean and ribbons and banners in the next couple of sessions.  Meanwhile the video above was one of my first interpretive dances I did in 2009. Ask the Holy Spirit to minister to you through this dance. Listen to the lyrics and ask Him to show you what you need to see to minister to your heart, soul and body. Look past the person dancing!!   Bless you!!

What Does Putting on The Full Armor mean too Me on a Daily Basis?

 This is a lesson that I have been teaching my family over the last 2 wks and I feel in my spirit like never before that we need to use this God given equipment that he has given to us to wear on a daily basis.  I have posters up and around my house and take opportunities especially first thing in the morning to ask my teens, did you put your full armor on?  My youngest son said, mom I don't have a physical armor to put on.  I said, no you don't have one that you can physically see, but you definitely have one that can be spiritually seen.   The most important tool I can say is to say each piece out loud from the top of my head to the tips of my feet each piece that I'm wearing.  I am a very symbolic person and thus fits my life extremely well.  I must admit it has taken me a long time to understand the same concept and thus  I am teaching my family now while they are young how to use this God Given Equipment  and how to use it to their advantage.  Yes we still may get hit regardless if we have it on or not, but we are better condition if we do have it on and we have the greater one fighting for us.  "Greater is He living inside us, than he that is in the world." 1John 4:4

Be sure to watch video below that is encouraging!
 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.   And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:10-18

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

You were Born for Such a Time as This!

This Video speaks volumes!! This may be in Bible times, but apply it to where you are at today. It's beautiful!!  May you be encouraged today as you watch it from beginning to end!! It's pretty powerful along with the lyrics!! This video is around Esther!  May it speak to you as it has too me!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Soar Like An Eagle!! Soar Above The Storm!!

"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:31
Most feel like it's hard to soar through the storms & trials, but it does get easier as we continue to trust in the Lord and not on our own understanding. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
                                          Proverbs 3:6

What Don't Kill You, will make you Stronger!! Haha!!

Not sure about you, but if you have been going through the fire, be sure to know that you will come out pure as Gold!! Doesn't seem like that right now as you are being refined but you watch and see and be patient!!  It will be be worth the refiner's fire!  Talking to myself as well! haha!

 This song below I found a few years ago when I was taking blows and getting knocked down! It so encouraged me and still does as He's not through with me yet and still going through my own personal fire!! But I see the growth and it so encourages me to look back and see where I was and how far I have come through my Jesus!! Not in my strength, but His!!

Gold by Beckae Shae     Music is in the link below if you want to follow the lyrics with the music.   Powerful Lyrics!

What don't kill you can only make you stronger!
I've taken a few blows, but I'm ok though,
You know I just keep going!
I've been straight knocked down, but I get up again,
Cause I ain't no quitter!
So let me take this time to be thankful,
For the way I've been made stronger!

Going through the fire, but coming out gold!
And I'm going higher with my feet still on the floor.

Pushed back, pushed down, pushed away, it's ok,
Cause I just keep movin' forward!
Talking smash all that trash that they say,
It just ain't worth my consideration.
So I'ma take this time to be thankful,
For the way I've been made stronger!

Cause I can take the pain, it's for my good anyway,
Cause I ain't gonna break, love holds me together.
This fire is making me better, refined and it don't matter whether,
I'm lookin' like a loser, cause I'ma show you all a winner!
You can have it all, cause I'm a giver,
But ain't givin' up, I ain't no quitter!
So I think it's better off you know, I'm comin' out gold!

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Prayer Warrior is up!! Watch out!!!

I absolutely love this!!!This photo speaks volumes!! Haha!~!!


The power of Prayer is absolutely powerful in the mouths of those that choose to pray to the Almighty God and believe for HIS BEST!!  Remember, it's HIS Agenda, NOT OURS!!
This is a beautiful Prayer to pray!! Click on it to bring it up big to view and read.  I always find reading my scriptures out loud demolishes strongholds in my life including prayers such as these.  There are times I do not have the words and a prayer that is powerful such as this does mighty things in the name of Jesus.
This is such a lovely song and truth!!

Sunday, April 3, 2016


"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  Luke 10:19  Rise up Warrior and take your stand and know whom you are in Christ!! You will not fight this battle alone! Oh no you won't!!!

You are an Overcomer!!!

Did you know that you can overcome anything through Christ!!! It may not feel like it at this point, but you are an overcomer and nothing is impossible with the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Just keep pressing in and resting in him.  He will help even when all you can say is "Help Me God".  He is fighting your Battle for you and interceding for you!!!  Haha!!  This video is powerful!! I love it!! May it encourage you today!!

"I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me"  Phil 4:13

"Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us."  Romans 8:34

"You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.'" 2 Chronicles 20:17

I May be Thrown Down, but not Defeated!!!

This song says it all!! Wow!! So true and yet so beautiful!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Wake Up Child it's your Time to Shine!!!

Wake up Oh Sleeper!!! It's your time to Shine!!  You were born for such a time as this!!! This is a powerful Song!! May it inspire you!!  Listen to the whole thing!!  This the anthem of our generation here we are God, shake our nation!!  We are royalty, we have destiny and we are set free and we are going to shake history!! :)  Whoohooo!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Going to War in Prayer!! "The War Room Movie"

This movie is so worth viewing!!! It's encouraging, to Fight in Prayer!!  My War room is a war closet.  Can barely fit in it, but it works.  :)  Don't have a closet to go to and pray?  We can pray anywhere at anytime thankfully!! I love praying! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Putting on the Full Armor of God video

Putting on the Full Armor God!!

 Really feeling during this season in my life that this is another season for making sure that the "Full Armor of God is put on before my feet hit the floor. It definitely should be every season of my life, not just the down and dirty ones. :) It's when I forget that I get gobbed smacked in the face unexpectedly and it's not pretty!!  I am even reading an awesome book about Putting on the Full Armor called.  This topic is definitely the hot topic for the week and have some really cool videos that will be worth sitting down and watching and reflecting on.  Blessings as you step out!!

I want to Live with Abandon!! What about you?

What does abandon mean?  To give up completely (a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking).  This is my prayer to live in complete abandon!!  This song speaks volumes. I pray it will touch you today no matter what you are going through!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

He's Alive!!! Now This is something to Celebrate!!!

He is Indeed Alive!!  This song is so beautiful and the video is also breath taking as well!!
Praying it will touch you !!  Happy Easter My Friend!! May it be a very meaningful day for you!!

Gods Not Dead!!! Whohoo!!

God's indeed not Dead!!!Whohoo!!! Happy Easter!!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

"The Inheritance" By Graham Cooke

This is an encouraging prophetic message from a prophetic man that I have grown to be inspired by.  My mentor told me about this lovely inspiring man of God.  This inspiring word I  have played over and over on my MP3 player when I was going through hard stuff and was feeling down and out.  I want more of Him and less of me!  May you be inspired today and feel the love of God pour in you!

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Greatest Gift given to Us This Good Friday - His Son Jesus Dying on the Cross for Our Sins!!

My Favorite time of the Year! Easter Weekend!! It was over two thousand years ago that "Good Friday" that my Lord and Savior bore both yours and my sins on that Cross.  No, I sure didn't deserve it and every time I watch him being nailed too the cross in a movie or video it makes me feel very sad but full of hope and knowing that he took my sins on that cross anyway, so one day I could go to be in Heaven with him.   Now if that isn't down right exciting, what is?  That is if,  I so chose to accept the invitation of asking him to come reside into my heart.   Thank you my Savior for giving me that priceless free gift that no one would ever give me no matter how hard I searched I would never find it!  It didn't cost a thing and it was completely free.  Can you imagine that, FREE!!!  It's a choice I get to choose and I made that choice at they very young age of a tot.  Will you give your heart and soul to Jesus too?  What are you waiting for?  You have nothing to lose but to gain!  The Sinner's prayer is below if you so choose to receive Him in your heart! Reading it out loud would be beautiful!.  What a an exciting venture this very Special Easter Weekend of the year!!  You will be forever changed!! So are you ready to dedicate your heart too Him?  The angels rejoice each time someone gives their heart to Jesus!! It's a time of celebration! Jesus waits patiently whenever you are ready whether it be today or a year from now. He is patient like that you know. :)    "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Cor 5:17 


Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.
I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.
You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.
Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.
Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life. AMEN.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Are you in the Desert? Do you feel like you can't find an end in sight?

Are you walking or crawling through this desert land you find yourself in?  Is it dry?  Is there no life in sight and you are beginning to wonder if God even knows you exist or better yet if he even hears your every cry?  Well my friend, I am hear to tell you that he does hear your every cry and your every whim and pain.  He loves you and cares for you!   Truth is I have been in the desert place over the last couple of years now, and have found myself crawling in the sandy bottom pit at times and wonder if I can ever find my way out.   But one thing I can say for sure is He never has left me even for a moment even when I have felt I haven't heard his voice at times.  He's always been present even when I thought he wasn't.   He has directed me when I asked him to direct me. There is joy in that desert, did you know that?  So one can be going through that desert place and still have such a joy unexplainable that no one would even imagine they are going through a time such as this.  But that is the place where I know he has my family and I and our situation and I can find joy in the storm! The fruit of going through this desert is great if you are willing to stick it out!! If all you can say is "Help me God" he will.  What a loving and caring God we so serve just waiting for us to choose his ways and not our own.  The Joy of the Lord is your Strength, dear one!! So my dear friend whatever desert you are walking or crawling through today be rest assured you are never alone. He has got you and your situation and it's all in how we choose to look at our situation. We we choose to be a victor or a victim?  It's our choice!  We get to choose.  Be Blessed today my Friend!!

I Can Feel You....

This is such a lovely song that has inspired me!! May it Bless you today!!

You don't want my Perfectionism!

The lyrics in this song is powerful!! Enjoy! May it speak to the core of your very being today!! Bless you today as you take a step deeper in Him!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What Foundation do You Stand on Today? Rock or Sand?

I absolutely love this worship song!!   On Christ the Rock I stand, no double minded shifting sand.  On Christ the rock I plant my feet, a firm foundation for me!!  When we stand on a firm foundation, nothing can move us!! We are His and He is ours!!  Oh yeah, the adversary will try.  That's his job.  But nothing can harm or move us because we are his Sons/Daughters.  Praying you will be encouraged today through this song!! We serve one Holy God!  Bless you in your coming and going today!!! 

Just lay Back and Rest in His Arms

Are you too busy to take that few minutes to rest in him and and inhale and exhale Him!
It's in the moments of chaos that we have to really take inventory on what is the reason we are in such a huge rush?  Is it going to kill us to take a few minutes to talk to our Heavenly Father and or listen to a couple of songs that very well could impact the rest of our day.  So what are you waiting for?  I give you permission to sit in that chair or lay on your coach today and just soak him in as you listen to this song! Praying it will minister to you today!! Believe me you will be glad you did! :)

Tell Your Heart to Beat Again...

Praying this song encourages you whatever punches have been thrown at you! Stand Strong!! You are not defeated!  You have one that is greater in you than one that is in this world!!  John 4:4  The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."   Exodus 14:14   So be encouraged today my friend!! The Battle doesn't belong to you, but to the Lord!  2 Chronicles 20:15

I Know You are For Me And Not Against Me, but....

Do you ever find yourself saying I know you are for me but....    Hmm, doesn't add up does it?  We all do at times especially when the tough gets going and the going gets tough.  Yep, it's a rough walk, but there is beauty in that journey! I think we have all heard it one time or another that "Life is a Journey not a Destination, right?  Well it sure is and sometimes in that journey there are rocks we stumble over and may even fall down along that path, but we know whom will pick us back and keep us walking along that journey. It's our Heavenly Father or Daddy you may say.  Yes and it's called never giving up no matter the cost!!  Never!! Even when you want too! I will admit I have fallen two times this winter. Once with snow shoes and I was back in the woods all by myself because I love spending that time alone with God in the woods and I went face down in hard snow. At first it was tempting not to get up and just lay there.  I had no one physically to help me up with these big clompy snow shoes on, but I knew I had to do it or else I would get soaked.  So all of a sudden,  I lay there and yelled out  ow very loudly and burst out laughing. My laugh echoed in that woods and the more I laughed the more joyful I became. Laughter breaks things off and is the most therapeutic and medicinal.  Did you know that?  I turned over and didn't want to get back up so you know what I did, grabbed my little camera out of my pocket and started snapping photos of what life is like from the ground level and yes even did a selfie!! Haha!!   I love to humor myself!! So I hope this song encourages you today like it has encouraged me many times along my journey. Bless you !!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Thank you Lord for Holding my Head up!!

You hold my head up, you remind me of who I am!!  I am made new!! Whohoo!!
I am a new creature in Him!
Might want to get your dancing shoes out for this one!
I don't know about you, but did you know that dance is warfare!!The adversary would rather not see us praising Jesus and dancing.  He gets bummed out about it.
So it's at the time when perhaps everything seems to be going a bit on the bonky side and I certainly  don't feel like dancing  that I get up and turn the music up and dance with all my strength. Stuff falls off not only me but whatever is around me as well.  It works.  My challenge to you today is to try it!!  It works. I'm living proof.  :) Haha!!

Will you Let HIm Hold you today?

This song speaks for itself.  So Beautiful!!  It's through the trials that we grow, believe it or not.
I pray this song will bless you where you are at today!

Do we Praise Him when there are Storms or shoe Him off to the Side?

Do you have a hard time praising Him when you are in the middle of a tornado or hurricane in your life?  I know I have been there and still am at times.  It's when I get my ring of scriptures out or go to my Bible and find a scripture to encourage me or if I am at the end of my rope I fall face down and and surrender it all.  Why not?   I have nothing to lose and he hears my every cry and my every concern. Did you know he entruly cares about every issue you have today?  He really does, even when it doesn't feel like it.  Remember, it's on his agenda when he answers our prayers, not ours.   So I pray today that as you listen to this song that Jesus will comfort you if you are in that middle of that storm right now.  He knows your heart more than anyone and loves you more than anyone on this earth could love you. Sending a hug to you my friend!! Praying for you today that God will move mountains for you. He is a good and loving God even when it feels he isn't. 

You are not alone

There are days we feel so alone even though there are so many people around us.  But truth is we really aren't alone.  The Holy Spirit is with us 24/7 even though we can't see Him.  Did you know you can talk to him like you talk to your friend out loud?  I know I do and wow what  a peace and comfort he brings through every emotion that we go through including joy.  There is no one like him and he will never leave you or forsake you.  The honest truth is He is your friend. :) 

Lovely song indicating He is More than what we ever Dreamed!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Taking the Leap of Crazy Faith!

Have you ever had to take the leap of Crazy Faith?  It's a daily routine knowing I have to put my total Faith in him to believe that he has a plan and purpose for me and my family.  Plans to prosper us and not to harm us but to give us a hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11 
Ask me about my Mission trip to Haiti sometime! Now that was a "Crazy Faith" Story that I would love to share with you! Here is a tid bit:  From the moment I was asked to part take in my first mission trip as a nurse to wondering how in the world would I ever make $2000.00 in 4 mos being a new graduate and a mother and wife.  Haha!! It was crazy!! In 24 hrs I had $666 from 2 people.  It all didn't come easy or overnight, but it was totally amazing to watch the hand of God move in front of our family with this trip.  It was cool to see their mouths drop open and say yes, see that this is totally God's will and he will provide and he will not close any doors if it is entruly wanting me to go on this trip.  Oh so much more to share, but ask if you are interested in more.  I love sharing how God rocked that trip and how he moved mountains not only for myself but for our group on our first day landing in Haiti.  :)

Who Am I ? Spoken from the Mouths of Babes!

Hope this encourages you today spoken out of the mouths of babes.  Beautiful!

Remind me of Who I am !

This is so beautiful!! Who am I?  Did you know that you were chosen.  Oh Yes, he chose you! You are soooo special and made in his image. There isn't one other like you!  Our Heavenly Father doesn't make junk. In fact he made beauty out of Ashes!  We are all special in his sight and not one is greater than the other no matter what we do in life.  We are all equal in God's eyes and he so loves you just as you are!  He even knows how many hairs are on your head! Now that is incredible I think!! Again, you are chosen and loved and he loves you so unconditionally and will never leave you nor forsake you! He says so in Deuteronomy 31:6  Be Blessed today!!

Have you ever felt like a slave to fear?  I have many times! But I have someone greater than myself that can fight my battles for me!! haha!!   I call him Abba Father, Jesus!! He can wash each of us clean of those fears if you only give him permission. Are you ready to take that step?

Your Are Beloved!!

Do you know you are beloved! He calls you beloved, Daughter/Son. You are chosen and there isn't any other person like you in case you didn't know. He cherishes and loves you just as you are!!  Praying this song encourages you today as you begin this first Spring Day in 2016.  Blessings and Prayers for you in whatever you are going through today! Sending a Virtual Hug!